
Making Yogurt with Goat's Milk

I have found several ways of making yogurt.  The first time I tried making it, it flopped.  The next time was a success!

Here is the success recipe:

2 qts. goat milk

2/3 c. dried goat milk

1/2 c. plain yogurt (from the store)

2 T. honey, optional

In a large saucepan, mix milk, dry milk, and honey.  Heat to 200°F and hold there for 10 minutes.  Make sure you use a thermometer for this.

After 10 minutes, remove from heat and place saucepan in a bowl of cold ice water.  When the milk reaches 125°F, remove pan from cold water bath.

Remove 1 cup of warm milk and mix well with yogurt.  Stir back into milk mixture.

Pour mixture into warm, sterile containers to incubate.  There are many methods to incubate your yogurt.  I use my food dehydrator.  You can also use a thermos wrapped in a towel, or any container wrapped in a towel near a wood stove, or a commercially made yogurt incubator.  The key is to keep the yogurt at about 110°-115°F.

Enjoy your delicious homemade yogurt!


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