
Powdered Goat's Milk!

Yes, it really can be done!  It takes a long time, and lots of heat, but it can be done.  I started with 3 quarts of milk, and ended with about 3/4 of a quart.

Start with finding a method to evaporate your milk.  I used a hot water bath canner so that I could use the rack to set canning jars with milk in it.  I filled 6 quart jars half full of milk(wide mouth jars work best), filled the canner with enough water to come up about 3/4 on the jars, and turned the heat on high.  I found that the more stirring I did, the faster the evaporation would happen.

When the jars were only a 1/3 full, I then poured the milk into an electric skillet, figuring that this was a more efficient way to heat the milk, and it gave it a more open surface.  Maybe next time I would just start this way.

Once it became like a runny pudding, I then transferred the milk to cookie sheets, and placed them in the oven at 200°F.  Watch these carefully, as one of the sheets burned on me, and I lost all that milk!  Once it became a very thick substance, I transferred this to the fruit leather tray of my dehydrator.  After many hours, I turned the substance to help it dry on the other side.  When it became hard, I put it in my Vita-Mix and gave it a good whirl.  This was a bit chunky and still too moist, so I put this back on the tray in the dehydrator, and then after many more hours, I put it through the Vita-Mix again. 

Voila! Powdered Goat's Milk!

I store this in a jar in my refrigerator.


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