The OmniPod is an insulin pump that is called tubeless. Now when Christopher would like something to eat, he just enters his carbs into a handheld device, which sends a signal to the pod, and insulin is delivered, without an injection! The pump also will give better control of his blood sugars, which in turn means a longer, healthier life, as the Lord tarries.
By God's grace, Christopher has hardly made a complaint about the restrictions and pain that this disease has added to his life.
We believe that God has now provided an insulin pump as a blessing, a reward, to Christopher for his contentedness, his patience, and his faith in God. We pray that God would be glorified through this trial in Christopher's life, and that God would use this trial to reach others through Christopher.
This is a week long trial, and if all goes well, then on October 29th, the doctor will get Christopher officially started on the pump.