
Keeping Warm in Northern Michigan

It feels like a miracle! Last night we had a fire in our wood stove!

For some time, as in a few years, we have had the desire to install a wood stove. A friend mentioned that he would really like to help us get a wood stove in. We had complete disbelief that we could ever do that. Funds were one reason, and a small house was the other. We kept thinking about how nice it would be to have one. Propane heat can run as much as $1000/mo in the winter, surely it wouldn't take but one winter to have it pay for itself.

This fall, Jeremy went into a local business and saw that they were getting rid of a line of wood stoves at about half off. They had been displays, so they had actually been slightly used. There was one with a great rating for efficiency, the price was a little high, but still doable. In talking with our neighbor, he found out that they had just installed a wood stove, and highly recommended the brand that we were looking at.

So, now all we have to do is put it where we want it, and run the stove pipe through the roof. Hah! Sounds easy enough, but as we are soon to find out, there are still so many obstacles to overcome.

Ceramic Tile Cat Drinking Water for Tile Saw

First project is to install ceramic tile on the floor. This made the perfect opportunity to make our entry way a little larger. It sure felt good to cut out some of the dirty carpet and replace it with tile! Perhaps I am the optimistic type, but I only thought this would take about 3 days. Instead it took 2 weeks. Of course, during this time, the only place for the stove to be was in the middle of the living room! This was definitely time of growing in patience for myself.

Using Tile Saw Tile almost complete

Jeremy did such an excellent job with his first tile experience!

The next job to tackle.... The Chimney! For this, we called on my dad. The stove pipe would be coming out of the roof, right in a valley. This creates an amazing amount of work, and someone who really knows what they are doing. I believe they had to build what is called a "crick?". Anyway, I know that it took a lot of time, a lot of 2x4's, OSB, roofing tar, and cutting. I wish I had a picture of the finished chimney. Perhaps we will yet add one.

After the "crick?" was built, the stove pipe was fitted together, and up it went! It was so exciting to build that first fire

.Larissa Enjoying the FireComplete!

While I was inside mesmerized by the beautiful picture and the delightful warmth, Jeremy went outside to watch the smoke come out of the chimney :)


On our diabetes journey with Christopher, we have reached a milestone.
The OmniPod is an insulin pump that is called tubeless. Now when Christopher would like something to eat, he just enters his carbs into a handheld device, which sends a signal to the pod, and insulin is delivered, without an injection! The pump also will give better control of his blood sugars, which in turn means a longer, healthier life, as the Lord tarries.
By God's grace, Christopher has hardly made a complaint about the restrictions and pain that this disease has added to his life.
We believe that God has now provided an insulin pump as a blessing, a reward, to Christopher for his contentedness, his patience, and his faith in God. We pray that God would be glorified through this trial in Christopher's life, and that God would use this trial to reach others through Christopher.
This is a week long trial, and if all goes well, then on October 29th, the doctor will get Christopher officially started on the pump.

Science is So much Fun!!!

Christopher is really enjoying Science this year.  It has been such a joy to see him so excited about a subject.  Here is a video clip of an experiment he did today.

96 Cups...

.... of frozen corn, that is!  The kids picked and brought in about 250 ears of sweet corn from our garden.  250 Ears

We had quite the operation of husking, blanching, cutting and bagging it, so that it was done in  about half a day. 

Vanilla had a very important role.....Vanilla

Great work, kids!  This was sweetest tasting corn!  We had a hard time not eating it, but of course, guess what was for dinner.... :)

Happy Birthday, Jeremy!!

Yesterday was Jeremy's Birthday, and we had a great celebration with family and friends.Wendy & Richard Friske, Jim Tank

We had grilled chicken with peach BBQ sauce, hot dogs, brats, grilled summer squash (it was a great way to use some of our pile of squash!), a BLT salad, picnic eggs, chips w/ peach salsa & and more!  It was a feast that was put together by many!Pastor Phil & Diane Bowman

What a wonderful time of year with so many fresh foods!

I believe that Jeremy thoroughly enjoyed his brownie cake!  We then made hot fudge brownie sundaes with raspberries and peaches.Jeremy

Games of badminton, croquet & kick the can, and fellowship was enjoyed by all. Luke Bowman, Richie Friske, Larissa Thank you everyone for making this such a special day for Jeremy!

Zucchini, Zucchini, Zucchini!!

Well, the first picking is in, and it sure is a big one!

The First Picking of Summer Squash

My plans are to slice some and freeze it for soups and other cooking in the winter, shred some for baking with, and finding willing recipients for the rest.

My mom is coming over tomorrow and we will have a big bake day! We like to make up many loaves of zucchini bread to freeze. The perfect fast food :)

I think I need another freezer....

Going for the squash

The kids used the lawn mower and wagon to haul the squash up to the house :)


Oh, how we should relish in the summer days of childhood! Well, it looks as though that's just what the kids did today, as they were helping with the making of pickle relish!

Larissa Grinding Christopher GrindingAdina Washing Veggies

The Fruits of our Labor

Cucumber Relish